Halloween at Ham House

I’ve never been much of a Halloween celebrator. I have put pumpkins in the window and got sweets and waited and the children have not knocked on the door anyway. And that’s the most I’ve done. This year, however, Ham House was in charge and they had an evening of fun planned that I couldn’t help but get caught up in.


After finishing our normal work day, we whipped out the crazy make-up and got ready for the evening.




The house looked fabulous, lit up against the dark sky.


(Just realised that the above photo doesn’t do it any justice at all.)

They had tons of good stuff happening in the house. Unfortunately, I was working in the Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun bar so I didn’t get photos so I’ll tell you about it.


There were séances happening in the attic, scary films showing in the chapel, a pair of real lungs hanging in the meat larder downstairs, mini ghost tours, a design-your-own-gravestone art workshop and a photo booth that made the photos look all old and faded and ghosty.

It was brilliant fun, if the mood of the customers in the bar was anything to go by.


The outfits were amazing too. Everyone had dressed up for the occasion and some people had really gone to town with it. One woman was dressed as a pumpkin and had somehow lit it from inside so as she wandered around the gardens, I could just see this massive orange ball. There were ninjas and witches, mime artists and dead brides, and everything in between.

I’ll try and see if anyone else at work got good photos and I’ll put them here for you to see.

15 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Robyn on November 1, 2013 at 12:50

    Sounds amazing! Just the way Halloween should be celebrated!


  2. Ham House would be such a great venue for a Halloween party!


    • It looked so good, from what little I did see. It was a risk, with all the old things being so precious and most of the guests being so drunk but the house seems to have emerged relatively unscathed.


  3. I loathe Halloween but that does sound really neat and everything is better at Ham House.


    • Maggie, everything is better at Ham house. Everything. Apologies for my lack of interaction but once my world takeover plan is perfected and launched, I will be back with a bang. I miss you.


  4. Looks awesome!


  5. Posted by Alex Jones on November 1, 2013 at 22:26

    I got to admit Halloween brings out the creative in people.


  6. It really looks like you are having a great time at work!


  7. Sounds like fun; my Halloween was quiet with visits from about 30 children for treats.


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