Posts Tagged ‘moisturiser’

Random acts of kindness

On Saturday, Danda and I went to Brighton and whilst pottering about, we saw a Lush shop. Lush shops smell amazing. You always know there’s one nearby cause you can smell it before you see it. I then always have to go in and poke around and pick things up and smell them.

Whilst poking around and picking things up and smelling them, a shop assistant came over and mentioned that the shampoo bar thing I was looking at is the one she uses.

“I had this shampoo bar once,” I told her. “I also had one of those moisturiser bars over there once. I was a poor student and I’d really splashed out by getting them. They smelled amazing and I was really excited. I was away from home, I forget where I was. I had a shower that evening and used both. But then I left the next morning and left them behind….. I’ve never really got over that.”

“I can see it’s really traumatised you,” she said.

“It did,” I said. “It was 7 years ago now and I still think about it.”

I wandered off and looked vaguely at face masks and bath bombs and ended up buying something small for a friend. Since the incident where I left the shampoo and moisturiser behind, I’ve not bought anything from Lush for myself. It’s like I can’t be trusted with it.

After I got home that evening, I was emptying my bag out and I found the paper bag with the little present in I’d bought for my friend. But there was something else in the bag too.

I guessed it was just a little sample thing so I opened it… And there was a moisturiser bar in there. I couldn’t work it out until I saw a little card stuck on the bag.


How brilliant is that?!

P is for…


What runs through my mind when I’m packing for a holiday….

I don’t need that much. I’m only going for five days. Let me just rummage around and see what I’ve got that’s holiday ish.

Oo, I’ll take this, a summery dress. I’ve got a nice eveningy dress too, in case of going out for dinner. Let me grab that. That other evening dress is nice too. I’ll take both. You can’t wear the same dress to dinner, can you? I’ll take both.

Try not to pack EVERYTHING

And this nice long flowy skirt would be nice for on the beach. And this sarong, for pottering over to the pool in. And that sarong. It’s best to have two. Need a swimsuit. I’ll have to buy one.

T-shirts. Take seven, just in case. And another skirt. And those long shorts. And those other shorts. And those pyjamas. And another pair. You need two pairs. And a few pairs of shoes. And flipflops. And socks just in case. And a jacket, in case it gets a bit cold. And a lighter jumper for if there’s just a breeze. And a light waterproof, in case there’s a little downpour. And toiletries. I’ll take face cream, and face suncream. And moisturiser. And suncream. And aftersun. Just in case.

And I wonder if I’ll understand the language enough to get nice herbal tea? I’ll just take some from here. Peppermint. And vanilla rooibos. And lemon and ginger. Maybe my yoghurt maker? I love my new yoghurt maker. It’s nice to have yoghurt when it’s hot. And my lemon squeezer! Freshly made lemonade. Mmmm.

What else? Books to read. I should study really. Ok, take my tutorial notes with me. And a book for fun. Which book. Hmmmm. I’ll take a few. Three. That’s a good number. Suitcase is bursting. Erm…

Ok, what to do? What to sacrifice?… But I NEED it all!… Ok, grab backpack. Start again. One pair of light shoes. Three tshirts. One evening dress. One day dress. One pair of shorts. One skirt. Change of underwear. One book. Study notes. Toiletries.

That’s better. Phew. I’m ready.

Why on earth had I packed my yoghurt maker? What was I thinking?! And herbal tea? On a holiday to a hot country?